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Year 8 build Solar Racers

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Our Year 8 Science classes have been learning about electrical circuits and energy sources by building the ‘Ultimate Solar Racer’.

We all know that carbon emissions from transport are a big contributor to global warming, which is partly why all the big car manufacturers are exploring alternatives to petrol and diesel. And over the past few weeks, our Year 8 Science students have been exploring different alternatives too.

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The Science Department supplied groups of students with a kit that allowed them to make a battery powered electric car. BUT their challenge was to investigate how they could make it the fastest car possible.

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During their Science lessons, they changed variables such as the wheel size, positioning, weight and gearing ratios. They also investigated solar cells and how best to attach them in order to replace the battery source. Students had to make sure that they collected accurate and reliable data to influence their decisions.

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They are currently designing a poster of the ULTIMATE CAR, which must incorporate the features they have chosen to include and why. They will take their designs to the TAS Department later in the year, where they will build the cars ready for the ultimate challenge, the Year 8 Minisprint.

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Watch this space!