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Staying fit and healthy at 韩国AV

The absence of structured sport has not been a barrier for 韩国AV students to stay fit, healthy and active, with Motivation Mondays, Zoom training sessions and more.

As 韩国AV stages a gradual return to on-campus learning, we still face an extended period without structured sport, which is why it’s so important to maintain our positive approach to staying active and sticking to our exercise routines. As Director of Sport and Performance (K to 12) Mr Hill points out, “The benefits of regular physical activity are well known and now is a good time to get a little fitter, stronger and work on trying out some new activities.”


“Over the past two months we have seen some amazing examples of students taking up one or all of our 30-Day Challenges, creating their own workout routines, connecting over Zoom for a squad session or utilising some of the resources and videos on the Sport Portal page.”

Gemima (Year 11) said, “I’m loving the Stay Active Programs! Thank you so much! Now that all my team sports are off, as well as my home training programs for soccer, the programs you have designed are so helpful to motivate myself…no idea what I would do without it!”


Mr Hill says there are also some new initiatives in Term 2 that will help students to maintain their overall wellbeing and physical activity.

“Firstly, Motivation Monday with our Senior School Sport Captains uploading video messages of encouragement, accompanied by a challenge or workout to do during the week. Netball kicked things off in Week 2, with a new sport being highlighted each Monday. 

Secondly, even though our House events have been cancelled, we want to keep up the social connection and sense of community. So, we are running the House Isolation Games during Weeks 3 and 4.

This event is a K to 12 House event that challenges students to complete a series of 10 skill or physical challenges to earn points for their House and compete for individual honours and the overall House Isolation Cup! We encourage everyone to get involved, drag your families along and have a little fun with it along the way. Keep a close eye on the 韩国AV Sport Instagram page for regular updates, leaderboards, the challenge of the day and some of the best videos from the girls.”


Mr Hill said students should also look out for the next 30-Day Challenge later in the term to help them maintain their fitness levels as the cold winter weather kicks in. All new suggested workouts will be uploaded on the Sport Portal page.  


Annabelle in Year 8 said, “I wanted to let you know that the videos and workouts for the Home Fit program that you did really motivated me to stay fit during this new and interesting world of online learning and staying at home, so thank you. Before I started the workouts, I could barely do 20 push-ups and my stomach muscles were just non-existent! But thanks to the videos and monthly challenges, I had something to work towards.”


“We acknowledge that this is a unique time, especially for those that normally love their sport and the social interactions that come with participating with their friends,” said Mr Hill. “Please keep sharing your sport and exercise journeys with us so we can promote and inspire others to do the same! As soon as we have more information about safely returning to structured sport, we will update you. Until then, stay safe, stay active and stay connected!”

