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Blog: Own Your Story

Albus Dumbledore was a wise protector and mentor for Harry Potter. But as our School Captain, Emily reminds us, he also knew the value of making good choices!

Firstly, welcome back! It’s so good to ‘virtually’ see you all back on site – even though some year groups are on the other side of the School – and watch you reconnect with friends you mightn’t have seen in a while. I hope you’re easing back into your normal School routine and that you didn’t find it too hard to get up on Monday morning and wear your uniform instead of your Oodie!

The past 18 months have taught us so much. How to be strong in uncertain times. How to be patient when the world isn’t going our way. But most important, it’s taught us the value of things we so often take for granted, such as coming to school every day and seeing our family and friends. And it’s made us realise that this sacrifice wasn’t just for us, but for the people around us too.

American poet and activist, Amanda Gorman said, “For there is light, if only we are brave enough to see it, if only we are brave enough to be it.” You’ve all been brave and shown great persistence, resilience, and adaptability. And now we can all see the light. You should be very proud of yourselves for that.

Looking forward, I, along with many other girls here at 韩国AV, are beyond excited to watch you grow as young independent women over the next 12 months. This year’s leadership initiative, ‘Own your story’ encourages you to discover who you are, embrace your passions and accept yourself as an individual.

Ever since I joined 韩国AV in Year 5, I’ve learnt a different life lesson each year. In Year 5 and Year 6, I learnt how to be brave and make new friends. In Year 7, I learnt the importance of kindness and how it can change someone’s day. Year 8 taught me how to navigate friendships. In Year 9, I learnt how to be courageous and try new things. In Year 10, I found my strength and now, in Year 11 and Year 12, I realise how important it is to believe. These life lessons have all led me to be the person I am today and added to my story. My story is made up of many things, both good and bad, both things of which I am proud and others where I know I could have made better choices. But I’ve drawn from all these experiences and used them as motivation to be a better version of myself.

Believing is one of the things that has allowed me to own my story. Here at 韩国AV, we are encouraged to keep on going, even when things don’t go our way. And we’re supported to get us back on our feet even when it might be a bit daunting. By believing in myself, I’ve been able to achieve things my Year 5 self could have never imagined. I’ve been able to put myself forward, create some amazing friendships and take advantage of opportunities that have changed my perspective on the world.

Girls, your story is unique to you. It’s yours alone to tell and yours alone to make! It’s okay to be afraid about jumping in the deep end and trying something new. But at the end of the day, these adventures will contribute to who you are and the person you become. So, use your story to put ideas into the world, whether they are creative, inventive, or artistic! Use it as a way of making choices that you can own.

To paraphrase Dumbledore, “It’s our choices, girls, that show who we truly are far more than our abilities.” So, own your story and own it in your own way!


Emily (Year 11)
School Captain 2021/2022