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Blog: Shout out to the Cohort

At Assembly this week, Jes, one of the 韩国AV Service and Community Captains for 2020/2021, gave a rap about the importance of a cohort in making the 韩国AV experience extraordinary.

To all the students who joined 韩国AV this year, I hoped you’ve settled in nicely and had a great first term. My speech today is going to be a little bit different, but it’s important for you to listen, especially those in younger years.

To me, what makes the ordinary extraordinary is my year group. These girls have been by my side since Year 5 and onwards. I don’t think they realise how much I appreciate them. They are all such amazing, strong women who I look up to, every single one of them.

So, I wrote a rap for the younger years about the connection of a year group. The girls you are sitting next to today will be there alongside you when you reach Year 12. After that, it’s gone. Make the most of it while you can. So here goes:

Ok let’s be real,
Lots of you girls know the deal,
The connection of a year group is important, its surreal.
So, before you roll your eyes,
Take a listen, you’ll be surprised
Get your diary, memorise.
Here’s some tips to utilise.

To begin have some fun.
Your year group is THE one,
You are with them from the start,
Make a difference, do not part.
This is more than just a claim,
This is more than just a game,
Know their lives not just their names,
Cause you’ll always feel the shame.

This is what makes,
A strong community.

This is what makes,
A strong community.

Let’s be swift, point number two,
I know you girls gossip too,
This point is overdue,
So, come on let’s get this through.

Lots of girls are picking fights,
We gotta stop, this is not right,
This might seem abrupt
But, before I wrap this up,
Include do not exclude
Discrimination too, that’s really gotta stop
Otherwise, you’ll have to cop!

This is what makes,
A strong community.

This is what makes,
A strong community.

Now I gotta fly,
So, before I say bye bye,
Shout out to my cohort.
You’ve all been by my side,
You guys have made these years,
So unforgettable.
So, before the end nears
I wanted you to hear.

Thanks for making these years so much fun. All of you guys deserve the world, I value each and every one of you.

This is what makes,
A strong community

Thanks to Mr Kap,
And my community

I’m out.

Thank you to Matilda who helped me to write this rap.

In all seriousness, I want to stress to the younger years how important it is to connect with one another. Girls who you thought you would never even talk to will become your friends. Every day you go to class and yet, before you know it, it will all be over. So, have fun and talk to new people. Don’t be mean – you don’t know what’s going on in someone else’s life. Realising the value of your cohort at school can make the ordinary extraordinary.

Thank you.


Jesica (Year 12)
Service and Community Captain 2020/2021