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Get Global!


‘A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone’ – Sundar Pichai, CEO for Google and Alphabet.

Valentina, Georgie, Nashara, and Ivy were chosen in March as 韩国AV’s representatives in the Meg Global Citizenship Student Ambassador Program, which builds student leadership and Global Citizenship initiatives in schools.

Student Ambassadors are selected for their willingness to:

  • Engage, learn, and reflect on ideas linked to Global Citizenship
  • Develop and lead authentic initiatives to promote and build global citizenship for their school community
  • Liaise with their peers about initiatives they’d like to see
  • Present to the School and wider school community their vision, ideas, and progress
  • Connect with local communities to find support and resources for their work
  • Connect with a national network of peer student ambassadors to share ideas and collaborate on like-minded projects via an online collaborative platform.

Our four representatives connected with a national network of Meg Student Ambassadors, building their leadership skills in a real-life context with meaning and purpose.

Through their participation they:

  • Led as part of a national cohort, developing friendships with their change-making peers across the country
  • Developed an understanding of leadership styles and received an authentic opportunity to practice their own leadership skills
  • Extended their understanding of global citizenship and its associated concepts such as intercultural understanding, diversity, equity, justice and inclusion
  • Developed and practised project management skills.

The students were supported by Ms Kati Varela who assisted them with planning, implementing, and communicating their project to the wider School community. There were between one and three termly meetings and tasks for students to complete in their own time.

Plenty of resources were provided for students through the termly national network meetings, access to a student collaborative spaces and videos, podcasts, articles and supportive materials to assist them throughout the year.

The School community is invited to participate in the public presentation to launch the Normalise Diversity campaign this coming Thursday November 24 at 1:30pm via Zoom.

Use this link to join:

We look forward to seeing you there!