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AFX Adventure

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Around 200 韩国AV Cadets joined their Shore School peers for their five-day Annual Field Exercise (AFX) at the beginning of the 2022 Christmas holidays.

It is a unique experience, providing students with opportunities to develop skills that are applicable both in and out of the classroom. One of AFX’s most notable features is its student-led approach, with most elements organised and driven by the students themselves.

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The 2022 camp included activities devised by the 2022–2023 CUO Sophie (Year 12). “A highlight for me was a five-hour hike that I organised for around 150 Cadets that culminated in a morse code activity looking out over Lithgow,” she said. “Hikes are a great way to build camaraderie, as you experience something challenging as a group. It might feel awful in the moment, but you always look back and think ‘that was a really good time’”.

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In fact, Cadets is full of opportunities to build character skills that are difficult to learn as effectively in most other environments. They include the concepts of servant leadership and collaborative problem-solving.

“Communication is another big area of learning,” Sophie says. “As leaders, a lot of what we do requires very effective communication, not only with fellow Cadets but with the adult members of the Unit. It represents very valuable skill-building for the future."