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2024 Cadet Bivouac

Leadership, teamwork, and personal development.

This week, the Shore Cadet Unit, including 韩国AV Cadets, completed a rigorous Bivouac, designed to forge resilience, teamwork and leadership through rigorous outdoor experiences.


The foundations for a safe and successful camp were laid on Friday 20 September, with an advance party of over 50 Cadets and staff departing for the Singleton military area. It incorporated Recruit, RHQ (Regimental Headquarters), and support company leaders who combined their efforts to establish the activities and infrastructure ahead of the main body’s arrival.


The main body of more than 700 Cadets and staff arrived for the camp’s official start on Sunday night. Their experiences were launched with a unique and moving experience – ‘bush chapel’ overseen by Luke from Gadhungal Marring. He highlighted the connection between individuals and the land in a session that included a traditional smoking ceremony, prompting Cadets to release their troubles and embrace a positive outlook for the week ahead. Shore School’s Chaplain, Reverend Benn, followed with a sermon on living life with respect for oneself and others.


The participants then began enthusiastically engaging in a wide range of activities designed to test their skills and resilience, including navigation exercises, high ropes courses, infiltration missions, code-breaking challenges and capture-the-flag-style activities.


Each day concluded with the Cadets packing up their supplies and hiking to their next location, further testing their endurance and adaptability.


To fuel their adventures, students and staff enjoyed a combination of fresh catered food and field ration packs, which kept their energy high for the Bivouac’s demanding program.


The Cadets high morale continued throughout the week, evidenced by their growing sense of teamwork and determination. There were visible changes in their confidence and leadership skills over the course of the camp, suggesting that such experiences remain deeply relevant in the 21st century.

This article was produced with the support of the Shore Cadet Unit Media Team, including Harry, Oscar, and Ally.