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Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link – AV responds



Cabinet-in-confidence information released by media today regarding ventilation for the proposed Western Sydney Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link is of great concern to AV and other North Sydney communities.


Reports suggest that AV School and several primary schools at North Sydney and Seaforth could be within 200 metres of the sites chosen for potential ventilation outlets.


AV has serious concerns about the health and well-being of its many students and staff who could be impacted by emissions - particularly given the built environment of North Sydney.  As well as day students from Kindergarten to Year 12, AV has up to 50 Boarding House residents who are on site 24/7.


Principal Dr Briony Scott believes it is vital to get more information. “From what I have gathered observing community dialogue around this, there hasn’t been much detail about the tunnel and its ventilation. Like other North Sydney community groups, AV is calling on the government to release clear and definitive information about what exactly is proposed.” 


The information currently available, including the SMH and ABC articles based on confidential documents and the RMS website, is general and the School is seeking more detailed information as is appropriate.  In particular, reference to “world’s best-practice tunnel ventilation” requires more specific details as to filtration.


“AV is very supportive of State government improvements in infrastructure and transport,” Dr Scott says. 


“However, as someone who has a strong personal and public interest in environmental health, I am disappointed in the lack of direct and genuine consultation on this project. I look forward to more relevant and detailed information so we can make an informed decision about how we respond.


Monday 17 July 2017