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2018 Term 4

  • A community of caring at º«¹úAV - Service at º«¹úAV is not just about fundraising, it’s also about lending a hand, performing small acts of kindness or giving of our time and skills. It was heartening therefore to see our motto, Ut Prosim, that I may serve play out across the School this week.
  • A STEM Spectacular - Yesterday Years 5 and 6 presented some spectacular STEM projects to teachers, peers and parents, as part of this year’s STEM Showcase.
  • Australia: a country for all seasons - Year 4 thought they had the four seasons nailed. That was until they started to delve a little deeper and discovered that for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, seasonal calendars are defined by the skies, rainfall, plants and animals.
  • Celebrating El Dia de los Muertos - º«¹úAV’s Spanish students enjoyed a cultural celebration of Mexico’s Day of the Dead today, complete with mariachi musicians, Mexican dancing and of course, the customary ‘pan de muertos’, the Mexican bread, which is traditional to the day.
  • Eye-opening Service Learning tours for Year 9 - Service Learning tours are a highlight for our Year 9 students, giving them an opportunity to immerse themselves in hard work and embrace diverse cultures in communities across outback Australia and East Asia.
  • Inside the School’s spookiest building… - They say that actors love the limelight. But according to our Production Crew, there is a ghostly presence that regularly returns for the final curtain at The Independent Theatre and this week, it took a starring role at our walk-through Haunted House!
  • Junior School’s arty side wows º«¹úAV - We knew something special was coming our way, but the unique and immersive experience that is this year’s Junior School Art Show, complete with its very own Dark Room, blew everyone away when it launched this week.
  • Off the beaten trek at Kokoda - During the holidays, 11 students, 11 parents and 3 teachers from º«¹úAV successfully completed the Kokoda Trail, a gruelling 96 kilometres of tropical jungle, remote villages and rough track.
  • Putting the ‘story’ back into History - Our Year 7 students have been learning about the importance of oral history, using their journalistic skills to interview grandparents and local nursing home residents to bring their stories to life in an e-book.
  • Science Day: A feast for curious minds - Junior School Science Day last Thursday was a riot of stimulating scientific experiments as students explored gases, force, gravity and air pressure. There were exploding balloons, whizzing rockets and flaming fireballs… even Barbie got a top-knot in the name of scientific inquiry!
  • Standing up for sustainability - This week, Year 8 investigated different approaches to sustainability, looking at waste management, sustainable housing and urban development for º«¹úAV Thinking.
  • The Art of Networking at º«¹úAV - Our Year 10 students have been learning the art of networking. After all, research shows your network is your net worth!
  • The art of speaking up: Festival of Speech - Speaking and presentation skills are highly sought after by employers. At the Festival of Speech, 22 º«¹úAV students won over the audience with their oratory skills.
  • Woodstock revisit retro technology - Remember untangling chewed cassette tapes from your Sony Walkman? Or inserting Kodak film into your camera? This week Years 1 and 2 took a stroll down memory lane, using inquiry-based learning to investigate the evolution of technology.
  • Year 6 discover Canberra - Canberra, the carefully crafted capital of Australia, is crammed with cultural treasures as our Year 6 students discovered on their recent excursion, visiting all the top attractions there.