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Student Blog: Accept challenge!

A lot has happened this term, both at 韩国AV and around the world, which we can learn a lot from.

The Christchurch massacre taught the world a lot about hate. But more importantly, it taught us about love. The international response to this horrible event was one of unrequited kindness that we can all learn from. Just one week after the event, risking further violence, hundreds of people gathered outside a mosque in Wellington and locked arms to form a human chain, in a symbolic act of protection towards the Muslim community during Friday prayer. I think there’s something we can all take from this. Responding to a horrible act of violence with kindness will always ensure love triumphs over hate. And onto a lighter note, New South Wales is once more lead by Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Brexit remains as troublesome as ever and American politics continues to remain Daily Mail’s only interesting news topic.

If you remember, and I hope you do, at the end of last term I made mention of my theory that life, and life at school, is just a set of puzzles.

It is very easy to journey through life seeking only the outside pieces of your puzzle. And it’s not hard to see why corner pieces are the easiest to find. While it is important to remember that you can always move on to your next puzzle, persistence is important. Sure, you can travel through life completing only the corner pieces and moving on to your next puzzle, but this, I assure you will not lead you to happiness. The endearing wisdom of my mother has taught me that the completion of any hard puzzle is not something that will come quickly. I find the same to be true of our journey through school.

If life is a set of puzzles, then school is just one of these sets – and it can be quite complex at times.

Term 1 is now done and dusted, and we’ve all completed the frame – we have joined the dots and we have a better understanding of what is ahead. However, looking ahead towards Terms 2 and 3, we now need to fill in the gaps. To do this, we need grit and we need to accept challenge. As young women, we need to sort through the different layers of learning, friendship and simply growing up. Some of us will face major hurdles in the coming terms – they may be at school; they may be at home. Please know that there are people around to ask for help and to support each and every one of us. On the other hand, some of us will celebrate achievements and everything will go to plan. Dr Scott always reminds us that we are not always aware of what is going on in people’s lives. So don’t be judgemental! Kindness is such a powerful tool

I always think back to my time in Year 9 when I was surrounded by rebellious teens. Special mention to Year 9 camp, when all of us found out what a full moon really was! Some of us were a little less on the rebellious side, and that’s okay, we are not meant to be the same. Do not compare the way you fill in your puzzle to the way others do, but rather compare it to how far you’ve come over the term.

So, while each of us may complete our puzzles a little differently, I encourage you all to persevere. Next term will be a little bit trickier, but you’ll all get through it.

To the Junior School, I hope school life has been treating you well and remember that us seniors are always here to help!

Year 7, your Senior School journey has just begun, and I’m sorry to say it will only get harder from here.

Year 8, I’m sure you have got the hang of it all by now, but still 4 years to go.

Year 9, you survived your camp and the stories are now yours to tell. I hope your camp wasn’t as eventful as ours!

Year 10, I hope you are enjoying the added credibility of a Senior School uniform – wear it with pride!

Year 11, this year will be very different to any other year of school you’ve ever completed, but I hope the Miller Street court yard makes up for these hard times.

And to my fellow Year 12’s, it is truly the beginning of the end for our time at school, so make the most of what will be one of the best years of your school life.

I hope you’ve all made the most of this term, have learnt from your mistakes and will come back even better next term.

I hope you all enjoy a safe and restful break and I’ll see you all soon.

Accept Challenge

Head Prefect 2018/19