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Year 8 camp highlights

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Year 8 camp 2017  2
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Year 8 camp 2017  8

Year 8 students embraced ‘challenge by choice’ at their action-packed school camp.

Students began their five-day adventure on May 22 by catching a train to Berowra, then hiking in groups to their campsite at Galston for activities including rock climbing and reflection.

The camp was a ‘challenge by choice’ camp where students chose to undertake activities at one of three levels – high, extreme or super extreme – with the distance of hiking and canoeing trips varying at each level. Those who elected the ‘super extreme' level of challenge also had to carry their hiking packs for the duration of the week. Rock climbing, high ropes and a flying fox rounded out the activities students took part in during the camp.

“Each student pushed themselves, whether it was the physical challenge, facing their fear of heights, being away from family, or just getting to know other members of their year group,” said Year 8 coordinator Ms Noosha Jalili.

“Their support and encouragement for their peers throughout the camp is a reflection of the character strengths of this year group. They have a ‘can do’ attitude which they often apply to the challenges they face.

“Year 8 faced a few challenges with the hardest aspect being perhaps the hikes but more so carrying their gear. Each group had approximately 14 students, one teacher and one southbound camp instructor. Students cooked their own meals throughout the camp. Burritos were a highlight!”

Later this Term, Year 8 will engage in another challenge, two days of 韩国AV Thinking. Together they will problem solve and develop creative solutions to a real brief with the assistance of professionals.